Atelier for the Social Quest - works towards social renewal. Triune One and Triune Two are linked here.
Mikaela Glockler bridges the medical and pedagogical fields of Steiner's work. Here she gives big picture advice for us in an age where media has emerged within our lives faster than any other time or stage in human history.
Here is a letter disputing the ‘education is for the economy’ mantra in the UK
Mikaela Glockler bridges the medical and pedagogical fields of Steiner's work. Here she gives big picture advice for us in an age where media has emerged within our lives faster than any other time or stage in human history.
Here is a letter disputing the ‘education is for the economy’ mantra in the UK
Here is an Irish Times article on the significance of Goethe.
Here is Wais essay on unfolding sexuality.
Johann Hari speaks of his revolutionary insights into depression in the west and in the east and happiness in personal and in a social context. Recommended listening.
Johann Hari's new book and interactive website
Failing to keep up... a 46 per cent increase in people, aged 19 or younger, in Victorian emergency departments for mental health treatment between 2008 (5988 patients) and 2015 (8726).
Sir Ken Robinson.., a God among mortals ... his message is an unsettling one: our attachment to an industrial model of education is crippling our kids’ potential. It’s stifling creativity, innovation and joy...
Skullduggery - War gaming the Science - How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe: A Special Investigation - The disinformation campaign—and massive radiation increase—behind the 5G rollout.
Harvard Business Review advocating phones away for better concentration.
Finnish excellence starts with play for children and with autonomy for teachers not with Naplan/pisa testing.
France bans mobiles in schools and makes each school start a choir!
There are health implications with mobiles, just keeping them in your pockets, let alone next to your ear!
Here is research that gets little hearing when it comes to Governments and legislations.
Research finds no advantage in learning to read from age five - Studies Early and Late start readers.
Finnish Excellence is an insightful commentary on Education - whats failing and what is achieving.
What Is the Purpose of School? Lillipoh Issue: Spring 2009: Redefining Education - Issue #55, Vol. 14
How America Made Its Children Crazy by Spengler. A sharp review of fifty years of Educational mindset in America with an alternative.
Here is Wais essay on unfolding sexuality.
Johann Hari speaks of his revolutionary insights into depression in the west and in the east and happiness in personal and in a social context. Recommended listening.
Johann Hari's new book and interactive website
Failing to keep up... a 46 per cent increase in people, aged 19 or younger, in Victorian emergency departments for mental health treatment between 2008 (5988 patients) and 2015 (8726).
Sir Ken Robinson.., a God among mortals ... his message is an unsettling one: our attachment to an industrial model of education is crippling our kids’ potential. It’s stifling creativity, innovation and joy...
Skullduggery - War gaming the Science - How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe: A Special Investigation - The disinformation campaign—and massive radiation increase—behind the 5G rollout.
Harvard Business Review advocating phones away for better concentration.
Finnish excellence starts with play for children and with autonomy for teachers not with Naplan/pisa testing.
France bans mobiles in schools and makes each school start a choir!
There are health implications with mobiles, just keeping them in your pockets, let alone next to your ear!
Here is research that gets little hearing when it comes to Governments and legislations.
Research finds no advantage in learning to read from age five - Studies Early and Late start readers.
Finnish Excellence is an insightful commentary on Education - whats failing and what is achieving.
What Is the Purpose of School? Lillipoh Issue: Spring 2009: Redefining Education - Issue #55, Vol. 14
How America Made Its Children Crazy by Spengler. A sharp review of fifty years of Educational mindset in America with an alternative.