Class Structure and Progression through the Years
When a child is ready to move on from Kindergarten they begin their primary journey with their Class Teacher. This dedicated person guides them through their main lessons through the next 7 years of their education. The Class Teacher takes two year groups together (Class 1 & 2 who are then Class 2 & 3 the following year, and so on) through until they reach high school.
As they approach high school the influences widen to include a little more time with other teachers in the subjects of Music, Art and Woodwork. In high school itself they will have a broad range of specialist teachers while still being guided by their Class Guardian (often, but not always, the same person as their Class Teacher). This gradual widening of influences is, ideally, providing the child with a gentle awakening into adulthood and society.
As they approach high school the influences widen to include a little more time with other teachers in the subjects of Music, Art and Woodwork. In high school itself they will have a broad range of specialist teachers while still being guided by their Class Guardian (often, but not always, the same person as their Class Teacher). This gradual widening of influences is, ideally, providing the child with a gentle awakening into adulthood and society.
For Kindergarten
Before the age of six or seven, education proceeds by example and imitation. The kindergarten teacher acts and the children naturally and spontaneously imitate – all activities ideally derive from this source, which is the primal will and sympathy of the small child with the moral guidance of the teacher. From the magic of nature’s household, the rhythm of the day, and the great cycles of the moon and sun, arise impressions which transmute into story, song, poetry, play-acting, creative movement, drawing, painting, craft and play. Flowing into these impressions, merges the great stream of myth and fairy-tale, our original cultural heritage. The child is encouraged to participate in the great world which is at once good, natural, cosmic and human.