For Primary
The ‘golden years’ of childhood extend from around the age of seven to about thirteen. Ideally, these are the years of ‘picture consciousness’, in which the beauty and wisdom of the world can be grasped through the most powerful of human emotions: respect for authority, and reverence for the great powers of the Universe. The class teacher becomes a spokesperson for the mighty powers of Nature, and an advocate for the great deeds of humanity.
In the lessons, nature and identification with the land provides the impressions or backdrop for the play of life, which is the transition from myth and legend to history, from the distant past to the present. All subjects partake of this whole.
English evolves the wisdom of speech and image from story to creative expression, literary appreciation, and cultural awareness. History, concentrating on significant biographies, is in these years, essentially the story of humanity. Science and Geography classes, give a truly sympathetic understanding of mankind and the earth. Number and Mathematics, in the lessons, describe the rigour and order of the world and the ever changing parts of the whole; they are the most important training in disciplined thought which is a necessary human resource in this modern world. Artistic and cultural activities - singing, recorder and lyre playing, individual instrument lessons, languages, painting, drawing, modelling, form drawing, drama, eurythmy, sewing, knitting, woodwork and crafts, evolve and develop throughout the primary years, yet are inseparable from the universal theme: Nature and human kind.
In the lessons, nature and identification with the land provides the impressions or backdrop for the play of life, which is the transition from myth and legend to history, from the distant past to the present. All subjects partake of this whole.
English evolves the wisdom of speech and image from story to creative expression, literary appreciation, and cultural awareness. History, concentrating on significant biographies, is in these years, essentially the story of humanity. Science and Geography classes, give a truly sympathetic understanding of mankind and the earth. Number and Mathematics, in the lessons, describe the rigour and order of the world and the ever changing parts of the whole; they are the most important training in disciplined thought which is a necessary human resource in this modern world. Artistic and cultural activities - singing, recorder and lyre playing, individual instrument lessons, languages, painting, drawing, modelling, form drawing, drama, eurythmy, sewing, knitting, woodwork and crafts, evolve and develop throughout the primary years, yet are inseparable from the universal theme: Nature and human kind.